Demonstration Test for Transporting Vitrified High-Level Radioactive Wastes

H. Tamaki - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
C. Ito - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
S. Ozaki - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
S. Shiomi - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
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Japanese utilities have contracts with CXX}EMA and BNFL for reprocessing spent fuels discharged from their commercial nuclear power reactors. These contracts include an option for the return of residues arising from reprocessing operation, and it is anticipated that the vitrified high active wastes will be returned back to the Japanese storage facilities from both companies. To ensure safe transport of these vitrified wastes from COGEMA reprocessing plants at La Hague and BNFL reprocessing plants at Sellafield, a demonstration test program on a full- scale model of a transport cask is now in progress. In this program transport casks for vitrified wastes are being designed and fabricated , and subjected to drop tests and thermal tests, etc., to assure that the requirements are satisfied in accordance with the performance and acceptance standards prescribed in the domestic transport regulations for radioactive material. This paper gives a description of the design concepts and configuration of the demonstration test cask, as well as the test plan for normal and accident conditions.