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This paper contains the results of mechanical and thermophysical properties investigations of the dense and porous refractory concretes(silicate(building), chamotte(metallurgical), alumina, zirconia(including ceramics)). Porosities of these materials were 20 - 50 %. Compression strength, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, heat capacity and operation temperature for this refractories are discussed. The split-Hopkinson bar method was used for investigation of the strain rateabout I000sec-I. For damage assessment of the severe events connected with overheating of the metal and oxides contents of cask and terroristical attack by means of the anti-tank weapons to cask we discussed resistance of a zirconia ceramics(concrete) to melted mixture Zr, Fe, U02, Fe203 and Monroejet. Our results testify that the porous zirconia ceramics can use in the impact limiter system ofcasks under mechanical, thermal and chemical attacks.