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This paper \"~II describe, through the example of the European spent-fuel transport to the reprocessing plants ofCOGEMA at La Hague (France) and BNFL at Scllaficld (United Kingdom), the organizational system which allows NTL to sign such a declaration and to endorse the consignor responsibilities as described in IAEA SS6 and SS 112 § 470-471 (IAEA 1990) (IAEA 1994). This organizational system is called Package Certification Prior to Shipment and focuses on two aspects for the implementation of the regulatory requirements: the off-site and the on-site actions. The off-site actions arc performed at each NTL office and correspond to the preparation of shipments and preparation of procedures to be applied at reactor site. This phase also provides the design of the cask loading plans which synthesize the first part of the Package Certification organizational system as the major interface document and input for the on-site actions. On-site actions perfom1ed at reactor sites ensure that the preestablished cask loading plans and suitable procedures arc observed and that all other regulatory reqwrcmcnts in the field of cask operations arc met prior to dispatch.