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The problem of international transportations of spent nuclear fuel from research reactors (RR SNF) by air becomes presently more and more urgent. This problem has been solved neither in Russia nor in any other country. There is no presently a certified cask in the world for transportation of SNF by air. This paper presents the conception of Class “C” package intended for RR SNF transportation. The conception was developed by RFNC–VNIIEF together with JSC SIF “Sosny” due to support of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Conception is the following. Cask SKODA VPVR/? was certified in Russia in 2006 as Class B(U) package for transportation of spent nuclear fuel assemblies (SNFA) from research reactors (RR) by ground and water vehicles. Under the frames of this conception, it is suggested, making no any changes in the design of the cask SKODA VPVR/?, to place it in a special cartridge of a dynamic protection, which will provide the cask strength under conditions of increased mechanical effects simulating an airplane crash (impact against a barrier with velocity not less than 90m/s). In this case, cask SKODA VPVR/?, which is mounted in the cartridge of the dynamic protection, can be certified as Class “C” package intended for transportation of SNF from research reactors. Designs of this removable dynamic protection were verified. It is a big-honeycomb metal construction. Class “C” package has the following characteristics: Weight of cask SKODA VPVR/? loaded with RR SNFA included in Class “C” package ~ 11150 kg Weight of dynamic protection ~ 13500 kg Total weight of package ~ 25000 kg Length of package ~ 3500 mm External diameter of package ~ 3000 mm The basic advantage of the suggested package design is that it uses a serial certified cask SKODA VPVR/? without any updating. It will allow developing and certifying the Class “C” package for RR SNF during short time with minimum expenses. The paper will present a design of the class “C” package and the basic results of calculation analysis of the package safety during accidental situations when transporting by air.