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Compliance assessment (CA) system that is system of the direct or oblique determination of carrying-out the requirements for the regulated object in the field of radioactive material (RM) transportation in the Russian Federation consist of the whole number of specific forms and appropriate rules. In general the forms of compliance assessment for RM transport include: licensing activities in RM transport field (designing, fabricating, shipping, emergency activities and others), certification of designs and fabricated equipment (packages and packagings, transport vehicles and other), issuing the sanitary-epidemiological conclusions for equipment and conditions of radiation dangerous works, certification and permissions for shipments, approval of consignor emergency response plans, approval of routes for road shipments, general state control for safety at shipments and other forms of CA. The principal form of compliance assessment in this field, used in the state according to recommendations of the IAEA transport regulations, is safety examination of some RM and the package designs used for RM shipments and safety expertise of shipment conditions being made by the empowered expert organizations under authority of the State atomic energy corporation ?ROSATOM? as the state competent authority for safe transport of radioactive material in the Russia. In the results of expertise the corporation issues the certificates of approval (certificatepermit) for designs and shipments. The paper presents information of legislative basis and appropriate legislative and normative documents of this compliance assessment system, main details of the CA forms and rules, connection of various forms used, experience and general results of functioning the this CA system, as well as the some problems, tasks, possible ways for development and improving the system in future. Requirements and practice concerning applications and procedures of application expertise for various types of designs and shipment conditions are considered in the paper. Some statistical information of certificates of approval issued by the state corporation in the last years is presented as well.