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The world is indeed complex when it comes to the transportation of radioactive materials. In reality, a very high degree of safety has been achieved, both domestically and worldwide, through rigorous implementation of comprehensive packaging and transportation laws and regulations. There are no reported deaths or serious injuries due to the radioactive nature of the cargo. Few, if any, such largescale industrial activities around the globe have this enviable safety record. The environmental impacts of radioactive materials transport have been exhaustively analyzed and shown to be intrinsically safe and environmentally benign. So why is something which is done so well such a challenge? Challenges are myriad. While the international regulatory regime is fairly uniform, member state interpretation and implementation of the International Atomic Energy Agency regulations are subject to wide interpretation. Issues include long approval times for packages, implementation of ST-1, political agendas, and the potential revival of commercial nuclear power in the United States. This paper will focus on the increasing demand for radioactive materials transport, particularly in the United States. The challenges will be presented in the context of historically safe, secure, and environmentally sound transportation.