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Nuclear fissile materials (NFM) transport safety in Russia is assured by the state regulation system on the basis of the Law of Russian Federation '·About utilisation of atomic energy\", which came into force in 1995. The main regulatory document, regulating NFM shipment safety in Russian Federation is \"Basic regulations for safety and physical protection of nuclear materials transportation\" (OPBZ- 83). These regulations cover NFM shipments by rail, by road and by sea, shipment by air is regulated by \"Provisions for NFM transport by air\" (PVP-93). OPBZ-83 determine requirements to packages, shipment safety confirmation procedures, shipment order, requirements for physical protection assurance. an order of actions in emergency situations. The regulations are developed on the basis of IAEA Regulations-73 for safe shipment of radioactive substances with IAEA draft Regulations-85 being taken into account. Receipt order of the approval for transport is determined by \"Temporary provisions for the order of issue of certificates-approvals\"(PVSR-92). Certificates-approvals are issued by a RF Competent Authority - the Ministry for Atomic Energy of Russian Federation (Minatom RF). Materials examination confirming shipment safety and transport technology development are carried out by basic organisations of the Competent Authority. The basic organisation for NFM transport is AllRussian Project and Research Institute of Complex Energy Technology (VNIPIET). Transport safety supervision is carried out by the federal Supervision of nuclear and radiation safety of Russia (Gosatomnadzor). Concrete conditions of shipment are determined by the Federal Regulations for dangerous goods shipments, which are in force for all modes of transport. By air transport \"Technical instructions for safe shipment of dangerous goods by air\" ICAO are taken as federal regulations. In 1996-1997, the working group of all organisations and state authorities concerned has developed new \"Regulations for the safe transport of radioactive materials (PBTRM-97). These regulations conform entirely to international regulations. concerning safety of radioactive materials shipment, including IAEA Regulations-96. At present PBTRM-97 are submitted for approval. They are anticipated to be put in force in 1998. As soon as, they will be in force, regulations of shipment of dangerous goods by all modes of transport will be brought into accordance with them.