CASTOR V/HAWC Transport Cask for High Active Liquid Waste

H. Spilker - GNB Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Behälter mbH
Robert Gartz - GNB Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Behälter mbH
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In Germany it is intended to plan all needed equipment necessary for the removal of the high active liquid waste (HA WC) from the Karlsruhe Reprocessing Plant (W AK). It is planned to transport the HA WC waste solutions which are in the plant to the PAMELA vitrification facility in Dessel/Belgiwn, where they are to be conditioned to waste packages (glass canisters) suitable for final disposal. The corresponding licence request has been applied for from the authorities. The transport from Karlsruhe to Dessel will be carried out with help of a cask developed under contract with KfK by GNB and WAK, the so-called CASTOR V IHA WC. The cask is designed with the same technical features as are present in already approved shipping casks of the CASTOR family designed by GNB. This transport cask fulfills all nuclear legislation as well as transport requirements.