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As part of the optimization process of radiation protection at REM Indústria e Comércio in Brazil, the operational procedures in the transport of radioactive materials were accompanied regularly to evaluate if effective doses could be decreased. The company has 5 drivers and 4 adapted vehicles dedicated to the transport of radioactive materials. These drivers wear thermoluminescent dosimeters throughout 30 days to monitor the radiation effective dose during the practice. Each vehicle has also dosimeters in the driver’s cabin. The results of these dosimeters are analyzed and compared with type of transported materials, transport index, routes of transportation and time for each transport. If levels exceed the limited effective dose allowed in Brazilian legislation, actions are taken to minimize the doses. The first actions taken to minimize the effective doses were written procedures and instructions for the drivers and train them in protection and safety. In general, the effective doses decreased except for 2 drivers. For these drivers, data of accumulated effective dose for the year 2006 was analyzed and related to material and radiation exposure in the vehicles. It has been detected a need of coordination with radiation protection and logistics, which is responsible for routes of transport, to minimize the effective doses and achieve the goal of 15 mSv per year.