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For transports of radioactive waste from the Swedish nuclear power plants to the final storage, SFR in Forsmark, special IP-2 containers, ATB, has been developed in the 1980´s by SKB. These containers are used for transports of waste with surface dose rates up to 60 mSv/h. Since SFR is designed for waste with surface dose rates up to 500 mSv/h, there has been a need for a container capable of transporting this type of waste. The activity in this waste is too high to be transported in IP-2 containers and a type B package is required in accordance with the IAEA regulations. In the 1990´s a new type B package, ATB 8K, was designed by TN International in cooperation with SKB. The ATB 8K was licensed in Sweden in 2000, manufactured in France 2004 and taken into operation in Sweden in 2005. The paper will describe the different steps and background for licensing including testing with a prototype, manufacture and operation of the new type B container ATB 8K in the Swedish Transport System.