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ype B quantities of radioactive materials must be shipped in packages that comply with 10 CFR 71 and IAEA TS-R-1. These packages must be subjected to a hypothetical accident prescribed in 10 CFR 71.73 and TS-R-1, Section VII, while remaining within regulatory limits for containment, shielding, and criticality. The ASTM E05.13 Task Group 9 is developing a Standard Practice for the Thermal Qualification of Type B Nuclear Packages. The emphasis of the Standard Practice is on performing the thermal portion [10 CFR 71.73 (c)(4); IAEA TS-R-1, paragraph 728] of the hypothetical accident. The Standard Practice focuses on thermal test methods that can be used to satisfy the regulatory requirements of 10 CFR 71.73. These tests can include either a physical test, the mathematical simulation of a physical test, or a combination of both. The various methods for performing a physical test include a pool fire, furnaces, and a radiant heat source. The Standard Practice discusses the advantages and limitations of each method (including mathematical simulation), test preparation, test conduct, and adjustments of results for offregulatory conditions. Instrumentation issues are also discussed in the Standard Practice. The status of the Standard Practice will be presented.