Application of Spreadsheets to Standardize Transportation Radiological Risk Assessments*

J.D. McClure - Sandia National Laboratories
K. S. Neuhauser - Sandia National Laboratories
J.D. Smith - Southwest Engineering Assoc.
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Because of the complexity, volume of data, and calculations required, one preferred ana lytical tool to perfonn transportation risk assessments is the RADTRAN computer code (RADTRAN, Neuhauser). RADTRAN combines user-determined material, packaging, transportation, demographic, and meteorological factors, with health physics data to calculate expected radiological consequences and accident risk from transporting radioactive materials by all commercial modes including truck, rail, ship, air, and barge. The computer code consists of two major modules for each transport mode: the incidentfree module, in which doses from normal transport are calculated, and the accident module, in which dose consequences and probabilities are evaluated to generate risk estimates. The RADTRAN input data structures and the resulting outputs may be extensive. Postprocessing manipulations may be useful when analyzing complex shipping models. One method greatly automating the performance and standardization of transportation radiological risk assessments is the development of a series of consecutive, related spreadsheets which simplify the calculational processes and associated quality assurance. The purpose of this presentation is to describe the development of a standardized procedure to perform transportation radiological risk assessments employing conventional spreadsheet programs to automate generation of RADTRAN input files and post-processing analysis of the resulting output. The series of spreadsheets described herein were initially developed chronologically during an actual transportation study. The presentation is similarly organized to additiona lly demonstrate direct application of the methodology. However, it is important to note the approach is general in nature, and the