Animation of Environmental Assessment at Sinking of Vessel Transporting Radioactive Materials

N. Watabe - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
S. Ozaki - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
K. Noguchi - Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc.
K. Nakashima - Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc.
H. Suzuki - Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc
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As an island nation Japan relies heavily on sea transportation, particular for the conveyance of radioactive materials. Demographics in Japan are such that in the event of an accident involving ships carrying radioactive materials many people would be affected. Given such circumstances, it is very important to assess the environmental impact of an accident at sea and to validate the safety of sea transport. This report evaluated the concentration of radioactive materials in the sea and simulated the behavior of nuclides in the sea. Animation was used to depict the results of the simulation. We considered the hypothetical case of a ship that sank in a Japanese bay while transporting radioactive materials.