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For the shipment of non-irradiated PWR mixed oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies from the fabrication facility to the power plant, the new ANF-18/MOX transport system has been designed on the basis of the recently developed ANF-18 shipping container for non-irradiated Uranium fuel assemblies [1]. The ANF-18/MOX transport system fully meets the requirements of the IAEA Safety Standard Series No. TS-R-1 (ST-1, Revised) [2] for the transportation by road, rail and sea. The ANF-18/MOX transport system has a capacity of two PWR fuel assemblies of type 15x15, 16x16 and 18x18 with a maximum Pu-fiss content of 7 %. All relevant safety analyses have been performed and it is expected that the container will go into services during the course of 2002. The safety analyses take credit from tests and calculation results of the ANF-18 shipping container for Uranium fuel assemblies. The allowable number will be “N” = 2 with regard to criticality safety index (CSI = 25).