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ANORA - National Agency for the Management of Radioactive Wastes - has in charge, among other missions, the long term management of disposal facilities, in France. In 1992, two disposal facilities are operationnel Le Centre de Stockage de la Manche, located near the reprocessing plant of La Hague, which is in operation since 1969, will be full in 1994, Le Centre de Stockage de l'Aube, which recently opened, will be in operation during about 40 years. The most important producers are E.O.F. (the Power National Company), C.E.A. (Atomic Energy Commission), and COGEMA. In order to be sure that all the packages conveyed to the disposal Centers are in accordance with the technical prescriptions and with the specifications elaborated by ANORA, and with the double aim to respect the safety rules for the storage, and the regulation applicable to the transport of dangerous goods, the Agency set with the producers and with the carriers two procedures : - on the one hand, a procedure for packages agreement, by computerized teletreatment. on the other hand, a qualification procedure, concerning essentially the drivers and the vehicles.