Implementation of Material Control and Accounting at the Nuclear Facilities in Kazakhstan

Douglas Reilly - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Douglas Reilly - Los Alamos National Laboratory
J. K. Halbig - Los Alamos National Laboratory
J. K. Halbig - Los Alamos National Laboratory
James Sprinkle - Los Alamos National Laboratory
James Sprinkle - Los Alamos National Laboratory
D. Olsen - Argonne National Laboratory
D. Olsen - Argonne National Laboratory
Boris Kuznetsov - Ulba Joint Stock Company, Fuel Fabrication Plant
Boris Kuznetsov - Ulba Joint Stock Company, Fuel Fabrication Plant
Valeri Andosov - Ulba Joint Stock Company, Fuel Fabrication Plant
Constantine Grabelnikov - Ulba Joint Stock Company, Fuel Fabrication Plant
Constantine Grabelnikov - Ulba Joint Stock Company, Fuel Fabrication Plant
P. Staples - Los Alamos National Laboratory
P. Staples - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Phil Robinson - U.S. Department of Energy
Phil Robinson - U.S. Department of Energy
G. Tittemore - U.S. Department of Energy, NN-40
G. Tittemore - U.S. Department of Energy, NN-40
M. Barham - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
M. Barham - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Thomas Gafford - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Thomas Gafford - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Art Adkins - DOE
Art Adkins - DOE
Valeriy Chernyadyev - Institute of Atomic Energy at Kurchatov
Valentine Kudryashev - Institute of Atomic Energy at Almaty
Valentine Kudryashev - Institute of Atomic Energy at Almaty
The Republic of Kazakhstan has four nuclear facilities, all of which are involved in the US/Kazakhstan Cooperative Threat Reduction Program. This talk focuses on the material control and accounting (MC&A) activities at three: Ulba Metallurgical Plant and the two locations of the Institute of Atomic Energy (Kurchatov and Almaty). Two of these facilities are primarily research reactors with limited quantities of bulk material. The third, Ulba Metallurgical Plant, is one of the world’s largest low-enriched uranium fuel fabrication facilities. With the signing of the Nonproliferation Treaty in 1993, Kazakhstan pledged full implementation of safeguards on all nuclear materials and has aggressively pursued this goal over the past several years.