Six US Department of Energy Laboratories are carrying out a program of cooperation with the Russian Research Center Kurchatov Institute to improve nuclear material protection, control and accounting (MPC&A) at the Institute. In 1995 the primary emphasis of this program was the implementation of improved physical protection at a demonstration building at Kurchatov, and the upgrading of the computerized materials accounting system, measurement instrumentation, and physical inventory procedures for a critical assembly within this building. Work continues in 1996 at this building but now also has begun at the two Kurchatov buildings which constitute the Central Storage Facility. At this facility, there will be upgrades in the physical inventory taking procedures, a test and evaluation of gamma-ray isotopic measurements, and evaluations of nuclear material portal monitors and neutronbased measurement equipment. There will also be implementation of an improved computerized materials accounting system which will include bar code printing and reading equipment, development of a tamper indicating device program, and substantial improvements in physical protection. Finally, vulnerability assessments begun in 1995 are behg extended to additional high priority facilities at Kurchatov.