Ensuring Nuclear Security in a Dynamic Threat Environment

Michael Weber - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
In response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the NRC recognized that greater effectiveness and efficiency could be achieved by combining safeguards and security with incident response. The responsibilities of the new Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response include oversight of material control and accountability, international safeguards, physical protection, threat assessment, information security, and incident response. The offices of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) and Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) retain responsibilities for licensing. NSIR partners with these offices and the regions to ensure sufficient oversight of security, safeguards, and incident response activities. NSIR is working hard to enhance communications internally and with the regional offices as well as externally with Congress, the Office of Homeland Security, other federal agencies, states, licensees, and other stakeholders.