The Programme for Development of Safeguards for the Final Disposal of Spent Fuel in Geologic Repositories (SAGOR) has been completed except for the issuance of its final reports. The programme, which was initiated in 1994, had active participation by eight Member States and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The programme was conducted in parallel with IAEAsponsored Advisory Group and Consultants meetings which were held in 1988, 1991, 1995, and 1997. The SAGOR Programme emphasized the development and evaluation of technical safeguards approaches; the IAEA meetings evaluated the technical safeguards measures in consideration of the national, operational, and health and safety interests associated with the final disposal facilities. Although the results of the IAEA meetings and the SAGOR Programme are necessarily inter-related because each used the results of the other, the recommendations of each group are independent and reflect the interests of each group. The SAGOR Programme final reports recommend model safeguards approaches for spent fuel conditioning facilities, operating geologic repositories, and closed repositories, and identified technologies needed for efficient implementation of the safeguards approaches that require further development before they can be effectively implemented. This paper will review the recommendations of the SAGOR Programme and recommend further activities that should be undertaken by IAEA before the safeguards measures are to be implemented.