To support the strengthened safeguards system, the Department of Safeguards in the IAEA collects and analyses a large number of information sources concerning States’ nuclear activities with the objective to verify States’ declarations in compliance with their Non- Proliferation Treaty undertakings. Satellite imagery is one of these information sources and it has a particularly important place in this complex process. Satellite imagery is commercially acquired from a number of sources. Subsequently, it is analysed by safeguards analysts for safeguards purposes. Reports are provided to safeguards inspectors. Satellite imagery may provide a precise answer for many standard questions in today’s IAEA safeguards world. The verification of the correctness and completeness of States’ declarations of nuclear sites, the planning of inspections and complementary accesses are fundamental examples. Correlated with other information, e.g., States’ declarations, inspectors’ knowledge, open and other sources, satellite imagery might even substitute for other, more intrusive safeguards verification activities. An important capability of satellite imagery review and analysis is the possibility of detecting the possible existence of undeclared nuclear facilities and the capability for an investigation into alleged clandestine activities. The availability of an up-todate information processing infrastructure, multi-sensor near real-time access and sufficient human resources are the key factors of a successful medium-term strategy for the success of further use of satellite imagery in international safeguards.