Project “Programme 93+2” is over. In October 1997, the IAEA General Conference endorsed the Strengthened Safeguards System, which is based on the requirements of the Protocol Additional1 as approved by the IAEA’s Board of Governors in May 19972. Measures for the programme for \"Strengthening the Effectiveness and Improving the Efficiency of the Safeguards System\" were in the past generally referred to as the Agency's project \"Programme 93+2\". In 1995 the programme was split into measures under the existing comprehensive safeguards agreements (Part 1) and measures requiring complementary authority (Part 2) because at the time it was unclear how soon States would approve all foreseen measures. The first set of measures was then approved in 1995. For the Part 2, a model protocol was developed in 1995, discussed and modified by Committee 24 (a committee established by the Agency’s Board of Governors in 1996) and agreed to by the Board in May 1997. Details of the development and the history of the programme have been discussed in the past3.