The basic safeguards approach for commercial gas centrifuge enrichment plants (GCEPs) was established by the Hexapartite Safeguards Project (HSP) in the early 1980s. An improved model safeguards approach has recently been developed by the IAEA. The new approach, while preserving all major elements of the HSP approach, calls for implementation of innovative techniques that are currently available in order for the IAEA to address the challenges of advanced centrifuge technology and growth in separative work unit capacity at modern GCEPs. This paper describes IAEA experience with the development and implementation of innovative safeguards techniques and approaches at GCEPs currently under safeguards in a number of countries and outlines the new model safeguards approach. In particular, the paper addresses non-destructive assay measurement techniques for use in the cascade hall, verification of nuclear material flow by means of randomized inspections, including limited frequency unannounced access to the cascade areas with extended scope; declaration of UF6 cylinder movements to an ‘electronic mailbox’; advanced design information verification in cascade areas; and use of enrichment and flow monitors.