In 1987, at the initiative of Japan, the multi-national forum known as LASCAR (LArge SCAle Reprocessing plant safeguards) was established to assist the IAEA, through the provision of information and expert advice, in the development of effective and efficient safeguards for large-scale commercial reprocessing plants. Participants in the forum included safeguards experts from France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. CEC-Euratom and the IAEA also participated in all LASCAR meetings, contributing their experience as safeguards inspectorates. In May 1992, LASCAR successfully completed its objectives and is now entering into the preparation and publication of its final report. The Agency welcomes and appreciates the information and expert advice provided by the forum. In this paper, the Agency's perspective of LASCAR as a multi-national means of information exchange and its contribution to international safeguards is discussed.