This paper presents the views on the evolution of IAEA safeguards, including effective implememntation of a Strengthened Safeguards Systen, contined integration of new technology into safeguards, adaptation of safeguards to a \"State\" orientation and consequent optimization of resource utilization. IAEA safeguards have gone through several major phases. The most recent began in 1991, prompted by the discovery of a clandestine nuclear weapon programme in Iraq. The IAEA Board of Governors in 1995 aproved new strengthening measures under existing legal authority and the IAEA begina to implement a \"Strengthened Safeguards System\". The Board in 1997 approved a new legal instrument, the \"Model Additional Protocol\" published as INFCIRC/540. This intended to improve the IAES's ability to detect undeclared nuclear material or activities associated with a nuclear weapon program. The IAEA is also working to optimize its use of al the safeguards measures now available under INFCIRC/153 and INFCIRC/540.