Environmental Sampling for IAEA Safeguards - 5 Years of Implementation –

E. Kuhn - International Atomic Energy Agency
D. Fischer - International Atomic Energy Agency
The implementation of environmental sampling by the IAEA as a new safeguards strengthening measure started in January 1996. Over the past 5 years, some 2000 swipe samples have been collected from a total of 104 facilities worldwide and submitted for analysis in the Network of Analytical Laboratories (NWAL). The program has been continuously subject to adjustments and improvements in the various areas. Sampling procedures have been improved through the increased use of composite sampling, which results in fewer samples and a reduction in the analytical workload, as well as through the implementation of a new sampling tool for hot cells. The NWAL has been further expanded to increase the analytical capacity and the range of available techniques, such as Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), fission track analysis on highly active samples and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The IAEA and NWAL are continuously working to improve the sensitivity of analytical techniques and quality control of analysis. Over the years regular consultants’ group meetings and workshops have been organized with the NWAL in order to streamline the services, to simplify the sample shipment procedures and to ensure uniform reporting of results. In the area of data evaluation and management an ORACLE database has been developed and put into operation, and the evaluation procedures and reports have been largely standardized. The Operations Divisions have started routine implementation of environmental sampling in a number of facilities once the baselines were established. Furthermore the collection of environmental samples, including in facilities without nuclear material inventories or at mining operations, has begun in some countries in connection with implementation of the Additional Protocol. A multi-Member State Support Program project evaluated the technical feasibility and costs associated with Wide Area Environmental Sampling. Based on its conclusions discussions have been initiated with two Member States for the conduct of air sampling field trials against enrichment and reprocessing operations. This paper will report on the experience gained and improvements made during the first 5 years of implementation.