Currently, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has over two and a half years of implementation experience with environmental sampling as a new safeguards strengthening measure. Begun in January 1996, the Agency’s programme is currently focused on the collection of swipe samples from enrichment plants and hot cell facilities to establish baseline signatures. As of June 1998, baseline swipe samples have been collected at over 65 facilities under safeguards. All samples collected are sent to the IAEA’s Clean Laboratory at Seibersdorf for screening measurements and distribution to the IAEA’s Network of Analytical Laboratories (NWAL). The NWAL currently includes 5 laboratories in 4 Member States with special capabilities in very lowlevel isotopic and radiometric measurements; additional laboratories are in the process of being certified. By the end of June 1998, more than 1100 swipe samples from baseline sampling activities have been collected for distribution to network laboratories for analysis. Measurement results are transmitted to the Agency for evaluation using dedicated software. For the ongoing baseline sampling activities, evaluation reports for individual facilities including a comparison of the observed results with declared operations and any inconsistencies observed are prepared for discussion with Member States. This paper reports on the status of the Agency’s environmental sampling programme and describes the evaluation process being applied to the measurement data.