On-Site Laboratory for the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant

R. Abedin-Zadeh - International Atomic Energy Agency
E. Kuhn - International Atomic Energy Agency
H. Ai - Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
Yusuke Kuno - International Atomic Energy Agency
G. Duhamel - International Atomic Energy Agency
T. Hatakenaka - Nuclear Material Control Center
An On-site Laboratory (OSL) for Safeguards is under construction at the Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (RRP) in Japan to perform the analysis of samples taken for verification purposes in a timely fashion and reduce the need for shipment of samples for off-site analysis. The OSL is built and will be operated by the Japan Safeguards Office (JSGO) and the Nuclear Material Control Center (NMCC). NMCC and the IAEA will jointly analyze the samples. A joint working group has been established between Japan and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to co-ordinate the project, select the analytical techniques, define the mode of operation and establish authentication measures.