The COGEMA large sized reprocessing plants at Cap de La Hague are under IAEA and Euratom Safeguards. In the two plants, operations are highly automated for both reasons of safety and security and for efficiency purposes. This unique feature has raised some issues for an effective and efficient safeguards implementation. The French National Authorities, COGEMA the Operator, and Euratom have found solutions to overcome these issues. The paper describes the main characteristics of UPS (under operation since 1990) and UP2-800 under start-up. UP3 was commissioned before the end of the LASCAR forum and its safeguards implemented to a scheme devised by Euratom in agreement with COGEMA. This was based on modern C/S and nuclear material accountability system. This approach has proved to be effective and efficient and the operation of UP3 confirms the final statement of the LASCAR forum that large commercial reprocessing plants are effectively safeguarded through a close operator/inspectorate cooperation. The safeguards approach adopted by Euratom for the two facilities and the specific features relating to each of the material balance areas will be presented. Specific examples of safeguards measures will be detailed. Combination of advanced techniques and efforts from both the operator and the inspectorate have allowed to implement the technical means to effectively safeguard the reprocessing plants. Administrative measures and a continuing dialogue between the concerned parties contribute to the improvement of effective and efficient implementation of safeguards.