Nuclear Material Visualization in a Geographic Information System

J. Michael Whitaker - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
J. Adduci - Argonne National Laboratory
Ike Therios - Argonne National Laboratory
John Oakberg - Tetra Tech, Inc.
Justin Reed - Argonne National Laboratory
Brent Heilman - Argonne National Laboratory
States provide nuclear material accounting information to the IAEA Department of Safeguards in fulfillment of their international safeguards obligations. This accounting data identifies the quantities, movements, balances and forms of nuclear material at declared locations. The information plays a major role in the IAEA’s determination that material has not been diverted from peaceful purposes. It also serves as a critical source for analysis of State activities involving nuclear material. The IAEA Department of Safeguards State Declared Information Section (SGIM-ISD) maintains nuclear material accounting data, and they are pursuing an in-house development project to visualize State nuclear material flows. In parallel, the State Infrastructure Analysis Section (SGIM- ISI) is continuing to develop the Geographic Exploitation System (GES), an ESRI-based GIS platform intended to serve as a portal for IAEA safeguards staff to access and visualize various forms of safeguards relevant data. This paper presents a concept for incorporating nuclear material accounting reports into the GES that could complement IAEA efforts currently underway. Such a concept would enable State Evaluation Groups (SEGs) to better visualize spatial-temporal trends and perform ad hoc analyses of nuclear material movements within facilities, States, and across State boundaries.