Thousands of cylinders containing uranium hexafluoride (UF6) move around the world from conversion plants to enrichment plants to fuel fabrication plants, and their contents could be very useful to a country intent on diverting uranium for clandestine use. Each of these large cylinders can contain close to a significant quantity of natural uranium (48Y cylinder) or low-enriched uranium (LEU) (30B cylinder) defined as 75 kg 235 U which can be further clandestinely enriched to produce 1.5 to 2 significant quantities of high enriched uranium (HEU) within weeks or months depending on the scale of the clandestine facility. The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Next Generation Safeguards Initiative (NGSI) kicked off a 5-year plan in April 2011 to investigate the concept of a unique identification system for UF6 cylinders and potentially to develop a cylinder tracking system that could be used by facility operators and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The goal is to design an integrated solution beneficial to both industry and inspectorates that would improve cylinder operations at the facilities and provide enhanced capabilities to deter and detect both diversion of lowenriched uranium and undeclared enriched uranium production. The 5-year plan consists of six separate incremental tasks: 1) define the problem and establish the requirements for a unique identification (UID) and monitoring system; 2) develop a concept of operations for the identification and monitoring system; 3) determine cylinder monitoring devices and technology; 4) develop a registry database to support proof-of-concept demonstration; 5) integrate that system for the demonstration; and 6) demonstrate proofof-concept. Throughout NNSA’s performance of the tasks outlined in this program, the multi-laboratory team emphasizes that extensive engagement with industry stakeholders, regulatory authorities and inspectorates is essential to its success.