Luch, a MINATOM facility, has been engaged in upgrades in nuclear MPC&A will reinforce both scientific research and uranium processing for safeguards over large quantities of HEU at Luch. fifty years. Since the spring of 1996, Luch has participated in a program of U.S./Russia Cooperation in Nuclear MPC&A Upgrades. The program began with planning for immediate The State Science and Technology Institute which upgrades in MPC&A, with an emphasis on is part of the Luch Research and Production physical protection. In addition, U.S. and Luch Association — a MinAtom facility — has been experts exchanged technical data during a number involved for over 50 years in research and of workshops, to establish a common development of HEU fuel compositions and fuel understanding of available MPC&A tools and rods, as well as with pilot and small scale equipment. Site characterizations and vulnerability assessments were then prepared by Luch, to form the basis for the current program of methodical upgrades in all areas of MPC&A. Access control, alarms and alarm communications are being improved as part of this program. Control of nuclear material is being enhanced through improvements in material monitoring and in transportation security when nuclear material is moved between buildings on the