Lessons learned from the project concerning the revision of the Belgian legislation for the transport of radioactive material and from the first year of implementation of the new regulatory framework

Martine Liebens - Federal Agency for Nuclear Control
Rony Dresselaers - Federal Agency for Nuclear Control
Guy Lourtie - Federal Agency for Nuclear Control
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In January 2013, the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) started a project to revise the Belgian legislation for the transport of radioactive material taking into account a large involvement of stakeholders of the sector [1]. The Royal Decree of 22 October 2017 on the transport of class 7 dangerous goods was published in the Belgian Official Journal on 30 October 2017 and came into force on 1 January 2018, and the 4 FANC regulations of 13 December 2017 were published in the Belgian Official Journal on 18 May 2018. After one year of implementation of the new regulatory framework, the FANC has assessed if we have achieved the main goals and principles with the management of the project and the new Belgian legislation: a) Simplify license system focusing on inspections and compliance audits; b) Focus on continuous improvement; c) Take into account the graded approach; d) No impact on our knowledge of transport of class 7 dangerous goods in Belgium; e) Take into account the whole transport logistics chain; f) Involvement and participation of all stakeholders; g) Adapt the organisation of the Import and Transport Section. The paper will discuss the feedback and lessons learned from the FANC as well as from the stakeholders, both on the process followed to review the legislation and on the first year of implementation of the regulatory framework (Royal Decree of 22 October 2017 and the 4 FANC regulations). [1] Revision of the Belgian Legislation for the Transport of Radioactive Material; Martine LIEBENS, Rony DRESSELAERS, Guy LOURTIE (FANC - Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium); PATRAM 2016, Kobe, Japan