Review of the Q-System using Monte-Carlo Simulations

Holger Eberhardt - Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH
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An international working group that is reporting to TRANSSC of IAEA has identified several issues of the current Q-System. The reproduction of some values as well as the calculation of additional nuclides is challenging. Therefore, the working group started reviewing the Q-System on a scientific basis. Even though the scenarios will remain essentially the same, it is necessary to update and improve the calculation procedure. Hence, the calculations used by the working group are based on Monte-Carlo simulations that represents state-of-the-art of science and technology. For each scenario, the working group aims for agreements on each relevant parameter. Especially all input parameters for the simulations are defined. In order to reduce uncertainties, several codes are used within the working group and therefore this very detailed coordination is of great importance. This presentation will give an overview of the use of Monte-Carlo simulations for reviewing the Q-System. Advantages compared to the current Q-System will be presented and first preliminary results will be shown. Since secondary particles can explicitly be included into the simulations and also all kinds of radiation can be simulated, the impact of this new approach on Q-values will be discussed based on each change compared to the current Q-System.