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Estimating Hydrogen Gas Concentration in the VoidSpaces of Type AF Radioactive Material (RAM)Transport PackagesLisle Hagler and Brian AndersonPackaging and Transportation ProgramLawrence Livermore National LaboratoryAbstract: The generation of hydrogen gas from the radiolysis of water andhydrocarbons in the contents of a typical Type AF drum-type RAM package isconsidered. Using hydrogen permeation data from the literature, the concentrationof hydrogen gas in the void spaces of the package over a one-year time period isestimated for drums constructed of iron, carbon steel and stainless steel. Thenormal conditions of transport (NCT) were considered and it was found that themost limiting condition is the 100o F environment with solar insolation. Theminimum void space volumes necessary to keep the hydrogen gas concentrationbelow 5% by volume at the end of the one-year time period were determined for themost limiting condition.