Revision to the DOE Approved NAC-LWT Safety Analyses in Packaging for Shipping Argonne Sodium Bonded Mixed Fission Products as Authorized Contents

Edward Ketusky - Savannah River National Laboratory
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The requirements imposed on the transport of sodium containing contents are more stringent than the requirements for other contents approved for transport in the NAC-LWT cask due to the potential for the sodium to interact with water during normal conditions of transport or hypothetical accident conditions. To ensure the safe transport of the contents, two independent, leaktight boundaries needed to be established and implemented for these contents. The NAC-LWT represented the first containment boundary, while 6-inch diameter containment vessels where the inner O-ring seal is credited as the containment boundary (i.e., 6CVs), represents the second. This paper discusses the additional analyses, tests, and requirements added to the NAC-LWT SARP as part of the revision crediting the 6CVs as a second containment boundary.