Clearing Muddy Waters - Regulatory Compliance Made Easy

John S. Simpson - Class 7 Ltd
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Topic: Transport operations and Regulatory issues. The Premise: Using the Mississippi Delta as a simile, it will be contended that Denial of Shipments and transport operation non-compliances often result from the complexity of the message delivered by the transport Regulations. Water distillation helps create safe water, Regulatory distillation will help create safe transport. The Basic Argument: Transport operators take pride and pleasure from operating trucking, railway, maritime and air transport systems in a professional and profitable manner. More so than in most trades, time really is of the essence. Regulations that are presented using unfamiliar and unfriendly language present a no-go barrier to transport enterprises. Operators competent to perform effectively and profitably in the field of radioactive material distribution would be attracted into the market if the safe working systems at the heart of the Regulations were presented to them in a less challenging, more attractive way. The Presentation of the Case: An opening review of the problems that can arise in obtaining the one-metre dose rate readings required for determining a Transport Index for large packages, freight containers etc will lead to a consideration of the elegant and effective system of radiation risk control that this task delivers to the transport operator. The initial, sometimes challenging, effort by the consignor is repaid by delivering to those unskilled in radioactive material performance – the staff of the transport function - a simple system requiring only modest training and practice to achieve a safe operational environment. Difficult concepts splendidly translated into a simple system. If material characteristics and legal constraints mitigate against simple Regulations then employ user-friendly techniques to explain the safety-critical operational requirements. The Class 7 image-driven on-line resource announced at PATRAM 2016 has been further developed to now provide clear and comprehensive guidance of the regulatory duties that face consignors and carriers. Using SSR-6 as the primary focus, account is also taken of the supplementary duties applied by the UN Model Regulations, the major international modal controls and the Hazardous Materials Regulations.