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In January 2013, the FANC started a project to revise the Belgian legislation for the transport of radioactive material taking into account a large involvement of stakeholders of the sector [1].The Royal Decree of 22 October 2017 on the transport of class 7 dangerous goods was published in the Belgian Official Journal on 30 October 2017 and came into force on 1 January 2018.With this new Belgian legislation, the FANC established a notification system for Belgian non-approved package designs and for packagings conform to approved package designs that are used or stored (Dual Purpose Cask) in Belgium. This system enables the FANC to improve its compliance assurance programme.Starting from January 2019, the FANC’s inspection programme has also been reinforced. This inspection programme was previously consisting of:- on-off inspections of shipments,- management system inspections (compliance audits) of registered organizations (carriers, handling agents, ?),- occasional inspections of non-approved package designs, and- occasional packaging manufacturing inspections.Taking into account the graded approach, this inspection programme will be completed with a systematic inspection programme for Belgian non-approved package designs and for packagings conform to approved package designs that are used or stored (Dual Purpose Cask) in Belgium.The paper will discuss the important aspects considered in the development of the extension of the FANC’s inspection programme for non-approved and approved package designs and provide feedback on the first results.[1] Revision of the Belgian Legislation for the Transport of Radioactive Material; Martine LIEBENS, Rony DRESSELAERS, Guy LOURTIE (FANC - Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Belgium); PATRAM 2016, Kobe, Japan