Enhancing Mobile Radioactive Source Security Through Technological Solutions

Blake Kluse - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Micheal Carr - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Erika Hunsicker - National Nuclear Security Administration
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Mobile radioactive sources are used in the oil, gas, and radiography industries across the globe. These radioactive sources are of sufficient curie quantities to be desirable sources for actors with maliciousintent. The fundamental security challenge for these mobile radioactive sources is the control and accountability of the sources when they are in transit or in use in the field. Working with industry partners in the well-logging and radiography industries, the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration under DOE/NNSA’s Office of Radiological Security (ORS) has developed the Mobile Source Transit Security (MSTS) system to aid in the overall security of these mobile sources.The MSTS system uses various electronics to provide near-real-time status, which is communicated through a telematics device to the cloud and provides situational awareness to the mobile source users.The system is integrated into the industries’ standard equipment and vehicles.In the event a source is lost or stolen, an alarm immediately notifies the user’s key personnel. The MSTS system also provides a user concept of operations, integrated device tamper alarms, encrypted communication, enhanced inventory control when the sources are in storage, and state-of-health communication. The proposed poster will highlight the components and operation of the MSTS system for both industries and identify the approach ORS is taking to transfer the technology to a commercial partner to assist with broader deployment.