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The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has published its Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015 (PTNSR 2015)[1] to incorporate an ambulatory reference (as amended from time to time) to the IAEA’s Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (IAEA Regulations) [2] (hereafter referred to as “IAEA Regulations\"). The use of an ambulatory reference ensures Canada’s continued alignment with the IAEA Regulations, without the need to amend the PTNSR 2015 as new editions of the IAEA Regulations are being published.In addition, other changes were made to the PTNSR 2015 to address issues that had been identified since they were last revised in 2003. These include new regulatory provisions relating to the one-time transport of shipments containing unidentified radioactive material for proper characterization purposes; the introduction of specific criteria and approval for the transport of large objects; the removal of the reference to “special arrangement”; and clarifications of existing provisions such as the requirements related to radiation protection programs for carriers as well as the reporting of dangerous occurrences and other situations.This paper explains the rationale behind these changes and outlines the regulatory approach taken in incorporating them into the PTNSR 2015.