e-Ship++: A cloud-based radiological transport assistant

J. Magill - Nucleonica GmbH, Germany
Yann Donjoux - CERN
R. Dreher - Nucleonica GmbH, Germany
R. Michaud - CERN
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e-Ship++ (electronic Shipment) is a cloud-based application for calculating radiological characteristics of packages for the shipment of radioactive material in accordance with ADR/IATA/IAEA transport regulations. It has been developed in collaboration between CERN and Nucleonica. In contrast to traditional offline software packages, there is no software to install. e-Ship++ requires only an internet connection and browser and is accessible through the Nucleonica science platform (www.nucleonica.com) from any computer worldwide. The product is aimed at governmental institutions, research organizations, universities, and private companies involved in the transport of radioactive materials.In this paper a detailed description of the various features of e-Ship++ are given. Users can create, edit, import, store / archive their packages in e-Ship++. In addition, a number of sample packages are provided for training and demonstration purposes. For each package, a radioactive material transport report is generated giving the source characterization and type of package required. A key feature is the possibility to follow the decay a package mixture. The activity reported at a particular date can be updated to any future date and the decayed mixture can be saved as a new package.