Implementing Specialist Security and Resilience Arrangements for UK Material Consolidated Transports

Ben Whittard - International Nuclear Services, UK
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Regarded as the world leader in the maritime transport of specialist nuclear cargos, International Nuclear Services (INS) has recently been working with the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) and its partners to safely deliver a number of high profile, Category I and Category II transports of Specialist Nuclear Material (SNM), by road, rail and sea in support of the UK’s commitments at the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit.Working with the CNC, Ministry of Defence Police, Sellafield Limited and Areva NC, INS led the successful road transport of SNM from an academic research reactor in Oxfordshire to the Sellafield site in Cumbria.In respect of CAT I transports, INS and its partners supported a CAT I multi-modal transport in Scotland before completing the maritime leg to Cumbria and then led the final phase by rail, utilising Direct Rail Services to safely transfer the material from the ship to the Sellafield site.This paper examines the work that INS, CNC and its partners undertook to plan and execute these specialist road, rail and sea transports with the aim of supporting global threat reduction and making the world a safer place.It will discuss the ways in which INS and its partners integrate the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) requirements of safety and security and works with key stakeholders and regulators, in order to ensure strict compliance with regulations.Finally, the paper will cover the specialist emergency response and communications arrangements that the company and CNC put in place to truly deliver these Category I and II shipments for its customers in order to reduce the overall nuclear threat.