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Safe and efficient transportation of radioactive material is one of the main objectives in succeeding in our industry. Transport of radioactive and nuclear materials is inherently complex due to the nature of the material and its high visibility.In the 2000s AREVA TN developed a transportation model, TRM™ “Transport Risk Management,” based on an extensive, international network of experts, which has been adapted and enhanced over the years to meet ever-more restrictive regulatory requirements, evolving customer needs, benefits from lessons learned, and to address public potential concerns. Today, the TRM™ model is deployed throughout the AREVA group to reduce transportation risks and to promote continuous improvement. The TRM™ program aims at guaranteeing that the safety and the physical protection of the transportation of radioactive and nuclear materials are ensured, and that the communication andoperational aspects inherent to such transport are duly taken into account. Since 2007, the TRM™ has been separate from the AREVA TN Transport Operations Division to ensure independence and objectivity in audits.The steps of the implementation and the different components of a successful radioactive and nuclear materials transportation program based on the TRM™ model will be described through concrete examples. This paper will focus on the different components of the TRM™ model, and in particular the Emergency Preparedness and the Global Acceptance program, which are two key components of an efficient, safe and secure radioactive and nuclear materials logistics program. Practical exampleson the benefits of implementing a Transport Risk Management Program will be enumerated.