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The world-wide production and use of radioactive materials (RAM) and radiation sources in various facets of modern life (e.g., energy production, industry, medicine, science, and technology) involves, inevitability, their transportation in the public domain. The hazards of RAM transportation may be characterised by two distinct conditions of transport and the subsequent risks associated with such transport: i.e., risks associated with incident-free transport as well as that resulting from possible incidents and accidents and the potential to affect people, property, and the environment. Transportation risk assessments require many different and complex subjects to be addressed, including (a) shipment information, (b) the radiological characteristics of the packages and their conveyances, (c) exposure parameters for the transport workers, (d) routing data and population characteristics, (e) the frequency and severity of accidents for a given mode of transport, (f) package response and release behavior, and (g) estimation of the dose to members of the public and transport workers. A technical document has been prepared within the framework of the IAEA’s Co-ordinated Research Project (CRP) on “Development of Relevant Accident Data for Quantifying Risks Associated with the Transport of Radioactive Materials”. This CRP was established as a continuation of the CRP on “The Probabilistic Safety Techniques Related to the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material”. Within that CRP, a computerised package for risk assessment on transportation of RAM was developed. This package contains computer codes and some advisory documentation, called the INTERTRAN2 package. The primary objective of this technical document is to assist the risk analyst by providing support on assessment techniques and potentially relevant information resources available internationally that may be employed in addressing the complex tasks involved in transportation risk assessment.