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Commercially available multi-purpose concrete based systems can be efficiently adapted for storing vitrified high level waste (HLW) canisters. Such an approach would guarantee that the HLW canisters are not only stored safely, but also packaged in a configuration that would minimize costs while leveraging opportunities to improve waste management system integration. In particular, this HLW storage approach reduces future repackaging and transportation risks by relying on existing transportation casks and packaging infrastructure. Consistent with these performance objectives, the NAC-MPC Multipurpose Canister System has recently been deployed to store HLW canisters on an onsite dry storage pad at a U.S. decommissioning site. Furthermore, these NAC-MPC canisters are being licensed for transport in the NAC-STC casks, offering a transportable solution for the HLW canisters that relies on proven, licensed transport cask technology. This paper provides an overview of the design, licensing and project implementation to adapt a commercially-available spent fuel multipurpose canister (MPC) system and its applicable transport overpack to efficiently package vitrified HLW for storage and transport. The recent deployments of these packages in the U.S already provide valuable experience and lessons learned, offering significant benefits for similar future projects.