Experimental Evaluation of Various Packaging Protection Structures in the Case of Inclined Pin-Puncture Drop Test

Fabien Carteron - CEA, DEN, DM2S, SEMT, BCCR Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Hélène Simon - CEA, DEN, DM2S, SEMT, BCCR Gif-sur-Yvette, France
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Within the framework of a technical investigation for packaging protection structures assessment, a series of inclined pin-puncture drop tests was performed on a model scale of 1:3 (pin diameter = 50 mm). Drop tests were performed at several heights between 1 m to 1.4 m, and two incident angle (22° and about 30°). The following layers were disposed on a massive steel work piece, representative of the packaging body and mass: an inner wooden layer and a carbon or stainless steel layer. There was no outer wooden layer except for one variant. Two variants included a thin layer of glass fabric, PTFE coated, between wooden and steel layers. The article presents the different tests with structures drawings and mechanical characteristics of materials. Drop parameters (height, angle, temperature) and results (damage, pin penetration) are reported. This experimental data is of interest for packaging project design and pin-puncture modelling validation.