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As of May 31, 2000, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), formerly the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB), was created and a new Act and new Regulations were adopted. Under the new regulations, the limit of exposure for members of the public was revised to a maximum of 1mSv/year. Also, starting June 1, 2002, section 18 of the Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations will require the carriers, consignors and consignees to implement a radiation protection program. The CNSC plans to develop guidance material to assist in the development of radiation protection programs. In order to develop the guidance material, it was decided to investigate the magnitude and likelihood of exposure by conducting a multi-phase study to evaluate the doses of ionizing radiations received by transport workers. The first phase of the study was completed in September 2000. It involved the gathering of general information on the transport of radioactive material in Canada and identified the areas of concerns for all modes of transport. The second phase of the study will be starting shortly and will include measurements of doses received by a selected population of transport workers. Documentation on work procedures currently in place within the selected companies will also be examined. A similar study, completed in 1988 showed that doses received by the majority of transport workers were below 5mSv/year, the limit under the old regulations for members of the public. Up-to-date information in that area is deemed necessary as the limit for members of the public had been lowered and that the transportation industry may have changed significantly over that period. Completion of the second phase of the current study would provide a better understanding of the doses received in different transport areas. This will form the basis for providing/evaluating guidance on radiation protection programs for carriers, consignors and consignees.