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The problems of providing safety during transportation of hazardous cargoes containing radioactive, explosive and similar materials are in the center of attention when arranging transportation of such cargoes by all types of transport. The special place during solution of this problem is taken by researches of behavior of such cargoes in the environments of transport accidents. Authors of the paper give description of the numerical-experimental method for determination of cargo response to collision of airplane against a take-off and landing runway (TOLR) at emergency landing basing on results of experiments performed by the method of reversed impact at gasdynamical shock test bench. Results of analysis of the information obtained in experiments with simplified models of AN-26 airplane fuselage fragment (scales 1:5, 1:10) with cargo models fastened in them are presented. For the analysis, the package of applied codes DRAKON-3D/S [1] was used. The information obtained in rather simple and cheap experiments can be used for improvement of safety of airtransportations that is especially important for cargoes containing risky and hazardous substances.