This paper presents the results from the INPRO Collaborative Project on Proliferation Resistance, PROSA, which has proposed an assessment approach of proliferation resistance that is simpler and easier to understand than the current INPRO Methodology guidance in this area (IAEA-TECDOC-1575 rev. 1, vol. 5, 2008). PROSA has further developed the concept of proliferation resistance and safeguardability analysis and assessment tools. The results of this project will also provide recommendations for revision of the INPRO manual in the area of proliferation resistance mentioned above initiated in 2019 as an international effort. Initiated in 2012, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Poland, the Republic of Korea, Romania, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, and the European Commission participated in PROSA. The project operated as a cooperation between the IAEA Department of Safeguards and the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy. PROSA is a methodology for a State to assess whether its nuclear energy system (NES) agrees with the basic principles in the area of proliferation resistance and thus satisfies one of the conditions for its sustainability according to the INPRO assessment. In particular, the PROSA proliferation resistance evaluation has application in three types of scenarios: (1) a State with an existing NES with proven and/or evolutionary technology, (2) an embarking State acquiring proven and/or evolutionary technology, and (3) an experienced State developing and demonstrating novel/innovative technology. A proliferation resistance assessment using the PROSA process will provide assessors with a discovery mechanism for potential ‘gaps’, which may require actions or R&D to improve the proliferation resistance of an NES. The result of the PROSA assessment will summarize strengths, weaknesses, and give recommendations for action, if required, which will improve sustainability of a NES through support of verified peaceful use assurances. The Republic of Korea in collaboration with the IAEA applied the PROSA methodology to the conceptual design of a sodium fast reactor (SFR) Metal Fuel Manufacturing Facility (SFMF). This example is an important practical example of using PROSA’s assessment framework in the performance of the project.