Our friend and colleague, Dennis Mangan, passed from this life on September 28, 2020. “Denny” graduated from Notre Dame in 1960 with a degree in electrical engineering and worked at Sandia National Laboratories for 41 years, establishing himself as an expert in international safeguards and physical protection. Denny was a member of the INMM since 1980. He was Vice-President, President, and Immediate Past President of the Institute from 1991 to 1996, he was elevated to the membership grade of Fellow in 1998, and he served as the Editor of the Journal of Nuclear Materials Management (JNMM) for 18 years. Denny received the INMM’s Meritorious Service
Award in 1996, the Charles E. Pietri Special Service Award in 2012, and the Vincent J. DeVito Distinguished Service Award in 2016. He served on the INMM’s Awards Committee and the Technical Program Committee for many years. Even when he did not hold an official position that required his attendance, he attended the Executive Committee’s in-person meetings to provide his input and mentor his successors in leadership. In 2018, the INMM’s Southwest Chapter established a student award in Denny’s honor.
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