Integrated Safeguards: A Pragmatic Balance

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Alfredo L. Biaggio - Brazilian Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Material
Marco A. Marzo - Brazilian Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Material
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Regarding integrated safeguards, the current state of the art seems to allow as the only available alternative for conceiving a system the use of a sound logic and professional judgments. In developing such a system, fundamental aspects, like the conceptual differences between old and new safeguards and the basic conditions that should be fulfilled for starting and maintaining the application of integrated safeguards, should be considered. In addition, the limit conditions in between which any conceivable integrated safeguards system should be accommodated should be clearly understood. This paper describes these aspects and lists some essential additional elements that should be considered for developing an integrated safeguards system. Finally, a brief description of the essential contribution that a credible regional system can provide to a sound integrated safeguards system is provided.
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